Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Clothing Drive at Back To Action Chiropractic « Back To Action Chiropractic’s Blog

The Week of Monday, April 6th through April 10th marks Back To Action’s 12th Anniversary in exsistence.

To celebrate, the clinic is holding several events. The first, is conducting a Clothing Drive in conjunction with Northwest Center. During this week, anyone can bring your reusable clothing to the Collecton Bin located at Back To Action. Types of re-usable items to donate include: clothing (for all ages) inluding shoes, handbacks and clothing accessories, backpacks, linens and blankets. All donations are tax deductible.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and the Chiropractic Approach « Back

“Experiencing some wear & tear from work?”

Did You Know that Carpal Tunnel is the #1 Most Reported Workplace Medical Problem?

Did you know that because of the prevalence of people desk jobs, carpal tunnel syndrome is becoming one of the most common medical problems in the workplace? The course traveled by many is surgery… and… the issue with surgery is that is can have many long term consequences.

Warning: Here’s What Carpal Tunnel Feels Like…

When you’re working at your computer do you feel pain, numbness, tingling or aching in your hands? Do your hands ever feel swollen or “clumsy”? These are the most common symptoms of carpal tunnel.

What the Government Tells Us…

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, carpal tunnel is now the most common reported medical problem in the workplace. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome accounts for nearly 60% of work related injuries. The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons estimate that Carpal Tunnel costs $27 billion annually in medical treatment and lost income. Until recently there were only three choices for sufferers: (1) Do nothing. Not a good plan. (2) Take anti-inflammatory medication or wear hand splints. Yeah, that looks good. (3) Surgery. I’ve known patients who opted for 3 or 4 surgeries on the same hand before relief was obtained! The recovery period is lengthy often leaving you out of work for months.

What many people are learning is that chiropractic has an excellent track record treating some forms of carpal tunnel. Surgery should be the last resort. In 80% of the cases where surgery has been completed, the symptoms have returned within two years. Increasingly patients are turning to chiropractic to treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. This is why more and more people are seeking out chiropractic as their first line of defense against Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Only after non-invasive options have been tried should one consider surgery, in our opinion. The obvious benefits of chiropractic are no surgery, no recovery, and no taking medications.

If you or a loved one think they have some of the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel than I’d encourage you to get your condition looked into at your earliest convenience. To determine whether someone is appropriate for this procedure, we welcome patients or their referrals to call our office and we’ll schedule them for a diagnostic appointment. We will review your symptoms, tell you what your options are, and explain in detail how our non-surgical approach might help. Give our office a call at (425) 670-2600, we’re here to help. Also if we can provide any additional info on this condition, let us know.

Dr. Jerry Dreessen and Dr. Jason Gilmore

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Patient Safety Awareness Week - March 8 - March 14 2009 « Back To Action Chiropractic’s Blog

Patient Safety Awareness Week (PSAW) is a national education and awareness-building campaign for improving patient safety at the local level. Hospitals and health care organizations, such as Back To Action, are encouraged to plan events and promote patient safety within their own organizations. Educational activities are centered on educating patients on how to become involved in their own health care, as well as working with hospitals to build partnerships with their patient community.

For more information: www.npsf.org

Monday, March 2, 2009

National School Breakfast Week - March 2-6, 2009 « Back To Action Chiropractic’s Blog

Kids are a lot like superheroes - both need a lot of strength to meet the challenges they face everyday. A nutritious and healthy school breakfast gives the energy to overcome barriers and succeed academically each day.

During this year's National School Breakfast Week, students nationwide are invided to join the School Breakfast Heroes - Mr. Breakfast, Crunch, Fruit Avenger, Yogurl, Susie Powers the Sandwich Sensei, and their trusty sidekick Eggbot - on a morning adventure as they join together to rescue hungry kids from the plauge of the Breakfast Skipper! From March 2-6, 2009, school cafeterias nationwide will encourage students to power up with a healthy, nutritious school breakfast.

School breakfast provides the necessary energy to start a day of learning and achievement, providing 25 percent of the recommended daily allowance of protein, calcium, iron, vitamins A and C and calories and meeting the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Research has shown that children who eat breakfast at school:

1) Score better in standardized tests

2) Have fewer health issues

3) Behave better in class

Furthermore, research indicates that kids who skip breakfast rarely make up for missed nutrients later in the day so skipping breakfast could also affect students' performance in after-school activities.

Seeing a chiropractor can also improve your child's health.

Food Knowledge for 2009 « Back To Action Chiropractic’s Blog

6 Little Known Food Facts!

If you’re like most, don’t you love to torture yourself thinking about how much fat we ingest daily? Even though we know it’s bad for us, that Big Mac just tastes so good… Well, this time around I will be the bearer of good news about fat. Really! As much bad press as fat gets, it is an essential part of our diet. Without it we’re unhealthy. But how much? A recent Gannett News Service article put an amusing spin on the topic that I’d like to pass along here. Take my “Fat Quiz” below and see how you do. You’ll find the answers below:

1. How many calories are found in one gram of fat?
2. What is the Food and Drug Administration’s recommendation for the number of fat grams an average adult should consume everyday?
3. What is the highest percentage of caloric intake, based on a 2,000 calorie-a-day diet, that should come from fat?
4. What is the percentage of monounsaturated fat, the so-called “good” fat that lowers cholesterol, found in almonds?
5. What is the percentage of monounsaturated fat contained in avocados (think guacamole)?
6. Name one country where fat women were celebrated as healthy and beautiful.

Answers: Question 1: 9 calories; Question 2: 65 grams; Question 3: 30 percent; Question 4: 65 percent; Question 5: 60 percent; Question 6: Victorian England.

How did you do? Make taking time to eat and eat right a priority. Good nutrition and wellness go hand in hand.

Have any questions about this article? Give our office a call at (425) 670-2600. We're here to help.
Dr. Jerry Dreessen and Dr. Jason Gilmore
Back To Action Chiropractic